As a preventative measure, baseline concussion testing is done prior to an athlete’s sport season. In the event of a concussion, the same tests (a “post-injury”) is taken again by the athlete, yielding comparative scores from before and after the injury.

Baseline tests and post-injury tests measure Reaction Time, Memory Capacity, Speed of Mental Processing, and Higher Functioning of the brain. They also record baseline concussion symptoms and provide information about the athlete’s history with concussions.  SCAT3, King Devick, and Grip Strength are tests commonly used

Baseline scores should not be used solely to determine if an athlete has a concussion but provide valuable information needed for diagnosis by a health professional.

For more information about Baseline Testing and Concussion Treatment, call us at 780 464-5915 or visit our website at:



Jen Peters | Certified Athletic Therapist  CAT(C), MKin

Athletic Therapists are health care professionals with specific training and focus in the assessment and rehabilitation of sport related injuries.  Often seen with teams or on the sideline of sporting events, AT’s also work in clinics providing hands on treatment to athletes and active people alike, similar to other health care providers. Anyone who has sustained an injury in their sport/activity or whose sport/activity is limited by an injury would benefit from contacting an Athletic Therapist.