Move over green smoothie, there’s a new color in town. Aside from just looking pretty, this bowl gets its cool color from blue spirulina—a nutrient-dense aquabotanical that is high in protein & minerals and can help with joint aches and pains. One more superfood to add to the anti-inflammatory toolbox, especially after a workout!


Serves 1

4-6 ounces coconut milk (start with less and add more to blend ingredients if necessary)
¼ avocado OR 1 tablespoon hemp seeds*
1 banana, sliced & frozen
½ cup frozen pineapple chunks
Pinch of sea salt
½-1 teaspoon Blue Majik spirulina (or use any high quality spirulina)
Optional: toss in a few mint leaves or a handful of blueberries
Nutrition Boosts: add a scoop of plant-based protein, a handful of frozen cauliflower or zucchini

Topping ideas: fresh berries, cubed pineapple, shredded coconut, mint leaves, granola, hemp seeds

*Choose either hemp seeds or avocado to add a dose of healthy fats. The avocado will add extra creaminess and will turn the bowl a beautiful turquoise color.


Blend the coconut milk and avocado until fully combined. Add the hemp seeds, frozen fruit, and pinch of salt and then blend again until smooth & creamy. Mix in the spirulina at the end until the smoothie becomes an even beautiful blue color. Place the smoothie in a bowl and sprinkle with toppings of choice.